Pastor, Author, Motivational Speaker & Entrepreneur.

Who teaches the little kids to dance?

A couple of months back we visited and spent a night at a relative’s place. They have a beautiful daughter who at the time was just less than one year old. While sitting and enjoying an evening chat one of our cell-phones began to ring. The little girl stood up and started dancing to the melody of the ringtone. It was quite funny how she kept dancing. She could hardly keep her balance or in-step with the rhythm but she danced on. Later we played different ringtones and she was quick to rise up to dance to each tune and she seemed to enjoy it so much. I enjoyed the scene and laughed so hard in my heart. She was so small! I don’t know who could have taught her the beauty of music; I don’t know who taught her to dance but she was so spontaneous and I asked myself, ‘who teaches the little kids to dance?’


Spontaneous joy is your portion!

In 2015 don’t go around pursuing happiness; create your happiness. It must bubble up and overflow from within you. If you don’t receive the kingdom of God like a little child you will never enter it (Mark 10 v 15). The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost (Romans 14 v 17). Supernatural joy; spontaneous joy is your portion. The same one who teaches the little ones to dance will teach you to dance too to the tune of life. Don’t wait till it all makes sense or till it’s all under control; just choose to make happiness happen in your life. May the Lord make you a bundle of joy despite your circumstances and may He make you a well-spring of joy regardless of season. May your joy never be dictated by the opinion of others! Joseph had all the reasons to sulk and be depressed: betrayed by his own brothers; dumped in a pit by his own; sold to slavery; lied against by Portiphar’s wife; unfairly dumped in a dungeon prison; and forgotten by the butler; but there is no mention in the bible of Joseph depressed or in a self-pity party. Rise up, dust up and dance to music in your ears!


My prayer for you in 2015 is that may the Lord teach you how to dance and celebrate the everyday miracle and gift of life!


Calvary love